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Programs and Degrees

The College of Grassland and Agriculture at Northwest A&F University (NWAFU) is devoted to both higher education and research in grassland science. NWAFU is one of the top-tier universities directly supported by the “985” and “211” Programs under the Ministry of Education. Grassland science is also the first-class discipline on the top priority list of "double first-class" universities. The college offers bachelor’s degrees for undergraduate education as well as master’s and doctorate degrees for graduate education in grassland science. In the first three years, undergraduate students will learn  the basic theories and skills in grassland science. The senior students or the successive undergraduate and postgraduate students are required to understand the history and current situation of grassland science, grasp the important theories and key skills of grassland science, and have basic practical and innovative ability. The Ph.D. students are required to  master the progresses of grassland science, have in-depth and systematic research in a certain field of grassland science, and have the ability to independently engage in academic research.

1. Undergraduate programs

Major: grassland Science

Duration: four years

Degree: Bachelor of Agronomy

Features: national first-class major, with national high-quality sharing courses and national first-class courses.

Main courses: Forage and Fodder Crop Cultivation, Forage Breeding, Forage Products Processing, Forage Seed Science, Herbivore Husbandry, Pasture Management, Turfgrass Science, Grassland Resources Survey and Planning, Grassland Cultivation, grassland conservation, etc.

2. Graduate programs

Academic master's degree

First-level discipline: Grassland Science

Duration of study: 3 years, and no more than 4 years

Degree: Master of Agronomy

Research interests: 1. Grass germplasm resources and stress biology; 2. Grassland utilization and ecological restoration; 3. Turfgrass science and engineering; 4. Grassland agriculture theory and technology

Objectives: On the basis of understanding the knowledge of natural sciences and humanistic society, and mastering the important theories and core concepts related to grassland science, students are required to have the ability to think critically, be familiar with the history and current situation of grassland science, grasp the latest research progress of grassland science, and conduct research indepently on the field of grassland science. The students are required to understand the solid and broad theory of grassland science and systematic and in-depth professional knowledge. They will become high-level innovative talents who are able to independently engage in teaching, research, and management of grassland science, and contribute to the rural revitalization and ecological civilization construction.

Main courses: Research Methods of Grassland Science, Grassland Resources, Forage Germplasm Resources, Advanced Grassland Ecology, Forage Seed Physiology, Advanced Genetics and Breeding of forage, etc.

Professional master's degree

Major/field: Agronomy and Seed Industry

Duration of study: 3 years, and no more than 4 years

Degree: Master of Agriculture

Objectives: To meet the needs of China's modern agricultural development, we are committed to cultivating application-oriented, versatile high-level talents who are firm in political stance, dedicated to the development of "agriculture, the countryside and farmers", determined to serve the national agricultural security, ecological civilization construction and rural revitalization strategy, have theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the production and operation management of the whole industrial chain in the grassland industry, and can engage in grassland technology research, application, development and extension, agricultural and pastoral development, grassland education in enterprises, institutions and management departments in agriculture and related fields.

Main courses: Theory and Technology of Modern Plant Production, Modern Agricultural Development and Practice Cases, Modern Grassland Science and Technology, Communication and Communication, Introduction to Grassland Science, Grassland Resources and Management, Grassland Plant Cultivation Management, etc.

Academic doctoral degree

First-level discipline: Grassland Science

Duration of study: 4 years, and no more than 6 years

Degree: Doctor of Agronomy

Research interests: 1. Grass germplasm and stress biology; 2. Grassland utilization and ecological restoration; 3. Turfgrass science and engineering; 4. Grassland agriculture theory and technology

Objectives: On the basis of understanding the knowledge of natural sciences and humanistic society, and mastering the important theories and core concepts related to grassland science, students are cultivated to have the ability to think critically, be familiar with the history and current situation of grassland science, grasp the latest research progress of grassland science, and conduct in-depth research on the field of grassland science. The students are supposed to understand the solid and broad theory of grassland science and systematic and in-depth professional knowledge. They will become high-level innovative talents who are able to independently engage in teaching, research, and management of grassland science, and contribute to the rural revitalization and ecological civilization construction.

Main courses: Grassland Agricultural Systematics, Grassland Biology, Grazing Management, Turfgrass Science and Engineering, Grassland Agroecology, etc.

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